An evidence-first approach to personalized medicine.
Geneticure goes well beyond drug metabolism. Developed by scientific leaders in their fields, Geneticure's test assesses hypertension treatment in a comprehensive integrative nature, from drug metabolizing enzymes to receptors that are important to heart, blood vessel, and kidney function, with a focus on and appreciation of the complexity of the disease.

Our research:
Peer-Reviewed Manuscripts
- Association of a Multi-Gene Panel with Blood Pressure Medication Success in Patients with Hypertension.
- Eric M. Snyder, Ryan Sprissler, Micah Johnson, Greg D. Beenken, Timothy Curry, Nicholas Cassuto, and Thomas P. Olson. Hypertension: Open Access. HTOA-103. 2019. DOI: 10.29011/ HTOA-103.100008
- Economic evaluation of a pharmacogenomic multi-gene panel test to optimize anti-hypertension therapy: simulation study.
- Eli F. Kelley, Eric M. Snyder, Nimer Alkhatib, Scott C. Snyder, Ryan Sprissler, Thomas P. Olson, Monica Akre, and Ivo Abraham. Journal of Medical Economics. 2018. Oct 22:1-8. DOI: 10.1080/13696998.2018.1531011. (PMID: 30280614)
- The Effect of Genetically Guided Mathematical Prediction and the Blood Pressure Response to Pharmacotherapy in Hypertension Patients.
- Eli F. Kelley, Thomas P. Olson, Timothy Curry, Ryan Sprissler, and Eric M. Snyder. Clinical Medicine Insights: Cardiology. In press. DOI: 10.1177/1179546819845883. 2019.
- Relationship Between a Weighted Multi-Gene Algorithm and Blood Pressure Control in Hypertension.
- Pamela K. Phelps, Eric M. Snyder, Danielle M. Walla, Jennifer K. Ross, Jerad J. Simmons, Emma K. Bulock, Audrie Ayers, Monica K. Akre, Ryan Sprissler, and Thomas P. Olson. Journal of Clinical Medicine. Feb 28;8(3). 2019. (PMID:30823438)
- Data at 36 months for the Symplicity SPYRAL HTN-ON MED pilot.
- Eric M. Snyder, Ryan Sprissler, Thomas P. Olson. The Lancet. 2022 Aug 13;400(10351):491-492. (PMID: 35964607)
- The Importance of Use of Genetics to Guide Hypertension Therapy Using β-Blockade as an Example.
- Eric M. Snyder, Ryan Sprissler, and Thomas P. Olson. Advances in Molecular Pathology. VOLUME 4, P117-125, NOVEMBER 01, 2021.
- ACE2 and COVID-19: using antihypertensive medications and pharmacogenetic considerations.
- Eric M. Snyder and Bruce D. Johnson. Pharmacogenomics. 2020 Jul;21(10):695-703. DOI: 10.2217/pgs-2020-0048. Epub 2020 Jun 5. (PMID: 32501190)
- The importance and challenges of developing a pharmacogenetics test for hypertension.
- Eric M. Snyder, Eli F. Kelley, Ryan Sprissler, and Thomas P. Olson. Pharmacogenomics. 2019 Jun;20(8):563-566. DOI: 10.2217/pgs-2019-0056. Epub 2019 May 28. (PMID: 31136254)
Presentations at National and International Meetings
- Multi-gene Pharmacogenetics and Blood Pressure Control in Patients with Hypertension.
- MW Johnson, R Sprissler, TP Olson, GW Beenken, and EM Snyder. Presented at the American Society for Health-System Pharmacists, 2016. The FASEB Journal, 30(1) 942.1.
- Time to Blood Pressure Control According to Drug Class in Patients with Hypertension.
- MW Johnson, R Sprissler, TP Olson, GW Beenken, and EM Snyder. Presented at the American Society for Health-System Pharmacists, 2016. The FASEB Journal, 30(1) 941.12.
- The Integrative Nature of Pharmacogenetics of Hypertension: Moving Beyond Drug Metabolizing Enzymes.
- EM Snyder, R Sprissler, and TP Olson. Presented at the Mayo Clinic Center for Individualized Medicine Annual Meeting, October, 2016.
- Genes Predicting the Response to Beta-Blockade May Also Influence the Blood Pressure Response to Diuretic Therapy.
- EM Snyder, R Sprissler, and TP Olson. Presented at the Mayo Clinic Center for Individualized Medicine Annual Meeting, October, 2017.
- Influence of genes important in renal sodium handling and the blood pressure response to a diuretic in hypertension.
- J Ross, D Walla, EM Snyder, R Sprissler, TP Olson, and P Phelps. Presented at the American Society for Health-System Pharmacists Annual Meeting. 2017.
- Influence of genes involved in the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and the blood pressure response to angiotensin receptor blockade in hypertension.
- D Walla, J Ross, EM Snyder, R Sprissler, TP Olson, and P Phelps. Presented at the American Society for Health-System Pharmacists Annual Meeting. 2017.
- Pharmacoeconomic Benefit of a Multi-Gene Panel and Blood Pressure Response to Hypertension Therapy.
- Monica Akre, Eli F. Kelley, Scott C. Snyder, Ryan Sprissler, Thomas P. Olson, and Eric M. Snyder. Presented at the Mayo Clinic Center for Individualized Medicine Annual Meeting. 2018.
- Influence of beta-1 and beta-2 adrenergic receptor genotypes on echocardiographic response to selective and non-selective beta-blockade.
- Jerad J. Simmons, Eric M. Snyder, Audrie Ayres, Emma K. Bulock, Danielle M. Walla, Jennifer K. Ross, Monica Akre, Ryan Sprissler, Thomas P. Olson, Pamela K. Phelps. Presented at the American Society for Health-System Pharmacists Annual Meeting. 2018.
- Influence of genetic variation of beta-2 adrenergic receptors and blood pressure response to a diuretic.
- Audrie Ayres, Eric M. Snyder, Danielle M. Walla, Jennifer K. Ross, Jerad J. Simmons, Emma K. Bulock, Monica Akre, Pamela K. Phelps. Presented at the American Society for Health-System Pharmacists Annual Meeting. 2018.
- Influence of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme (ACE) Genotypes on Blood Pressure Control and Incidence of Cough in Response to ACE Inhibition.
- Emma K. Bulock, Pamela K. Phelps, Eric M. Snyder, Danielle M. Walla, Jennifer K. Ross, Jerad J. Simmons, Audrie Ayres, Monica Akre, Laurie Grund, Tammy Ho, Ryan Sprissler, and Thomas P. Olson. Presented at the American Society for Health-System Pharmacists Annual Meeting. 2018.
- The influence of beta-1-adrenergic receptor genotype on renal sodium handling and blood pressure response to angiotensin receptor blockers in hypertension patients.
- Kelley, EF, Phelps, PK, Akre, M, Walla, DM, Ross, JK, Simmons, JJ, Bulok, EK, Ayres, A, & Snyder, EM (2019). FASEB J., 33 1_supplement: 819.5
- Relationship between a weighted multi-gene algorithm and blood pressure control in hypertension.
- Phelps, PK, Kelley, EF, Snyder, EM, Walla, DM, Ross, JK, Simmons, JJ, Bulok, EK, Ayres, A, Akre, MK, Sprissler, R, & Olson, TP (2019). FASEB J., 33 1_supplement: 819.6
Completed and Ongoing Trials
- Relationship Between Genes Important in Blood Pressure Regulation and Blood Pressure Therapy in Hypertension.
- identifier: NCT02524873. Completed.
- Investigating the Use of Genetics to Guide Pharmacologic Therapy for Hypertension.
- identifier: NCT02988245. Completed.
- Association Between a Genetic Algorithm to Predict Hypertension Therapy and Response to Treatment.
- identifier: NCT03292900. Completed.
Cited Research
- Use of Blood Pressure Lowering Drugs in the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease: Meta-analysis of 147 Randomized Trials in the Context of Expectations from Prospective Epidemiological Studies.
- MR Law, JK Morris, NJ Wald. BMJ 2009;338:b1665.
- Blood pressure, stroke, and coronary heart disease. Part 2, Short-term reductions in blood pressure: overview of randomised drug trials in their epidemiological context.
- Collins R, Peto R, MacMahon S. Lancet. 1990; 335:827-838.